I Am Preparing You

While sitting in Sunday School, the Lord spoke to me and said write this down, “I am preparing you a little at a time. I will not give up on you. I am growing you into the woman I want you to be in and through me,” thus saith the Lord.
“Your hope is in Me. Trust Me and I will show you great and mighty things. Watch and see what I will pour out to you. If you will only be obedient to my call for your life, I will use you to shine as a light in the darkness to a world who needs Me,” saith the Lord.
“I love you and you are mine. I made you. I created you for My purposes, to show My love to others. You are beautiful in my sight,” saith the Lord.
“Fill yourself with My Word daily, tell me your needs through prayer and I will answer you. I will bless you because I am a God of grace and mercy. Just wait and see and trust Me,” saith the Lord.