Remain Steadfast

“Remain Steadfast. Grounded in My Word. Immovable. Unshakeable. Determined. Know that I have placed you where you are for such a time as this. It’s not meant to be easy. If you didn’t have to fight against the enemy, you wouldn’t know that you are in the middle of My Will,” saith the Lord.
“Let the storm rage and experience My Peace through it. I Am fighting this battle for you. I will make a way. Press into Me. Cast all your cares on Me, for I care for you. Be ye not afraid. Neither by ye dismayed. For I will go with you withersoever you go. I will never leave you or forsake you. I Am walking this path that I have placed you on right beside you. Lean on Me when you are weak. I will strengthen you. I will uphold you with My righteous right hand,” saith the Lord.
“I have not abandoned you. I know your heart. I have heard your prayers. I see you. I know what you are going through. Be a light. Shine in the darkness. Don’t be concerned if you are the only one. Stand Firm. If ye remain in Me, I will remain in you. I am not a man that I should lie,” saith the Lord.
“Hold fast to the promise that I have made you. For it soon shall be fulfilled. I have proclaimed it unto you. You have listened. You have believed. Yea, and you are awaiting expectantly even now for it to pass,” saith the Lord.
“Awake. Shake off the spirit of fear and anxiety, of worry and defeat. Rest in Me. Let go of everything that is weighing you down. Release it unto Me. Reach forward unto your destiny, your high calling. For I Am calling you to even greater things than you can imagine. Than you can even fathom. You are mine, Dearly Beloved. And I Am making a way even now for these things to come to pass. Don’t give up. Don’t lose hope. Have Faith. Trust in Me. Watch and Wait. Believe and Receive. For I Am pouring My Spirit out unto you in abundance,” saith the Lord of Hosts.