Blessed Are the Poor In Spirit For Theirs Is The Kingdom of Heaven

“Blessed are the poor in Spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:3) Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled. (Matthew 5:6) Blessed are you, dear one, and highly favored by God, because you choose to seek Me and follow My Will and My Plan for your life. You have been created and set apart to fulfill My Purpose for you,” saith the Lord.
“Trust that I Am moving in your life. I Am changing you and molding you into who I have created you to be. It’s a continual process. Continue to yield yourself to Me. Continue to surrender every part of yourself to Me. Submit and humble yourself to Me daily so that I may raise you up in due time. You were put on this Earth and in this time period for such a time as this,” saith the Lord.
“You are special and unique. You are loved with an everlasting love. You are mine, beloved. I have great plans for your life. Trust Me for you will not be disappointed. I Am teaching you how to hear My Voice. I Am training you to move by My Spirit. I Am showing you the importance of life. For it is not in the natural, but you are here and present at this time to have a spiritual impact for the Kingdom of God through the lives that you touch and through your words and deeds. The life that you lead must point others to Me and so I adjure you to take up your cross and follow Me,” saith the Lord.
“Do not limit what I can do in and through you, but yield yourself completely and fully to Me, so that I may use you to increase the Kingdom of God. Be instant in season and out of season and be ready to give an account for the hope that is in you,” saith the Lord of Hosts. (2 Timothy 4:2)