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Stop Running From My Will For Your Life

“Stop running from My Will for your life. Embrace it wholeheartedly. Begin to move and flow in Me as I prompt you. Trust Me. I will never mislead you. I only speak that which comes from the Father,” saith the Lord.

“You seek to satisfy the needs of the flesh more than the need of the Spirit. I say unto you, seek to fulfill the needs of the Spirit and you will not be driven by the lusts of the flesh; therefore, walk in the Spirit,” saith the Lord.

“Strengthen yourself in Me. As you do, you will not struggle within yourself between the flesh and the spirit because your spirit will hold your flesh under subjection. I will change the desires of your heart to align with My Will for your life. And then the desires of your heart will come to pass,” saith the Lord.

“This battle is a battle in the mind. Choose this day to stop trying to control what happens in your future and trust in Me. Allow Me to mold you and make you into who I have created and called you to be. My Plans for you are much greater than your own. Don’t dwell on the past for the past cannot be rewritten. You cannot change it, so live in the day that I have given to you and make the most out of it. One day at a time; you and Me walking together talking, listening to each other. This is the relationship that I desire to grow with you,” saith the Lord.

My Child, come close. Draw near to Me. Leave criticism and judgment of others to Me and learn to see others through My eyes for then you will be able to love them ALL, even those who hurt you. I will spread out My Wings over you and you will find peace under the shadow of the Almighty. Take your focus off your circumstances and place it on Me. Then you will find rest in Me and I will be able to fulfill ALL of the promises I have spoken into your heart through My Spirit,” saith the Lord of Hosts.



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