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Your Path Is Set

“Your path is set. My Plan for you is unfolding. My Purpose for your life is special, unique, and meaningful. My Calling upon your life is great. My Anointing upon you is genuine and true. My Blessings and favor rest upon you. My Love is for you. My Hope is in you. My Joy is on you. My Peace is within you,” saith the Lord.

“Walk in this path that I have set you on. Receive My Strength in place of your weakness. For when you are weak, you are strong because I will be your strength. When you cannot see, I will be your guide. I will show you the way in which to go. I will give you My Words to speak. They will burn within you, until you feel like you will explode if you don’t release them. They will come from deep with you. From your innermost being. From the place that I dwell in you. And you will know it is I speaking through you. You will not have to think of what to say, but My Anointing will flow through you,” saith the Lord.

“What I Am doing in you is greater than you can imagine, greater than you can fathom, and greater than you have envisioned for yourself. As it comes to pass, you will be amazed at the place I will take you and the things you will do in My Name,” saith the Lord.

“Don’t discount yourself or doubt that I can use you. For I only need a willing and obedient vessel to do great and mighty things. It won’t be because of anything you do on your own, but what shall take place will come to pass in and through Me. Yield yourself. Surrender your life to My Will daily. For in your submission to My Will, I will pour out My Spirit upon you, overflowing and in abundance. So that they may know, I Am doing ALL these things through you that I may receive the glory, honor, and praise. In your obedience, I will bless the words of your mouth, the work of your hands, and the prayers from your heart. With humbleness comes understanding, wisdom, and discernment to walk a closer walk with Me. These things I tell you to prepare you for the season that you are entering into. Do not be afraid. I go before you. I Am with you. And I will bless you for your obedience to My Voice as you fulfill My Purpose and Plan for your life,” saith the Lord.

“Walk in the path that I have set before you. Shine My Light that is within you. And know that you are Blessed and I Am with you,” saith the Lord of Hosts.



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