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Who Can Withstand My Judgement?

God spoke this word to me,“Who can withstand My judgment? How do you think you can make it without Me? I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through Me. Don’t believe what others say. They claim there are many ways to make it to Heaven. They are wrong. I proclaim there is ONE way-through the cross-through the sacrifice of My Son-Jesus Christ. Believe on Him and you shall be saved,” saith the Lord.

“I am your HOPE. I am your PEACE. This world seeks happiness and contentment in the things of this world. They search but never get filled. I say, “Seek Me with all your heart and you shall find Me. I will give you what you seek. I am God,” saith the Lord.

“I will fill you with the Holy Spirit. He shall give you WISDOM and DISCERNMENT. I will do a work in you. Separate yourself from this world. Draw closer to Me. Trust Me. I want you to be filled,” saith the Lord.

“I want you to draw nigh unto Me. I want to have a closer relationship with you. I want to guide your steps. I don’t want you to experience fear. I will be your STRENGTH when you are weak. I will raise you up with My RIGHTEOUS right hand. I will cover you with My blood. It will protect you. I will anoint you for the work that I am preparing you for even now. I only require an empty, willing vessel who will be obedient to My call. Pour yourself out daily so that I may fill you up. I will use you for My kingdom’s work,” saith the Lord.

“Will you answer My call? Will you choose to follow me? Will you be obedient to the prompting of the Holy Spirit? Give me your brokenness, your faults, your failures, and I will make you whole. I desire for My Holy Spirit to dwell within you, to lead, and guide your path. Trust Him. Don’t doubt it’s Me telling you what to say and what to do. Learn to hear My voice. I will teach you if you are willing and obedient. I will mold you and make you into a servant pleasing in My sight,” saith the Lord.

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