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Plead the Blood of Jesus

“Plead the blood of Jesus. It is all powerful. All consuming. I will be your strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow. No matter your circumstances, you can find Joy in Me. The Joy of the Lord is your strength. Don’t let this world take away your Joy,” saith the Lord.

“See as I see. Look through My eyes. I will give you the wisdom and discernment that you seek. It is My will for you. As you lean in closer to Me and Trust Me more with the little things, I will begin to show you more and more of myself,” saith the Lord.

“I ask you to follow in small things to see if you are listening and if you are willing to obey my voice. I am training you as a soldier in an army, My Army. I am preparing you for battle. I am equipping you with what you will need to fight. Don’t move on your own, but follow My voice as the sheep follow the shepherd,” saith the Lord.

“I am calling you out of the things of this world, away from distractions and traps that the evil one has ensnared you for so long. I am breaking these chains in your life. I am tearing down strongholds that have hindered you. I am changing your heart’s desires. I am giving you a new heart that seeks My will above all. I am building a strong foundation of faith and trust in your life. Just as the potter molds the clay, I am molding you. Be still. Seek Me. I am always here for you,” saith the Lord.

“I am teaching you to war with your hands. I am pouring out the Holy Spirit into your life. There is a fire in you that is beginning to burn brighter and brighter within you. Begin to pour it into others. You can’t give it away faster than I can pour it into you. This is what I mean by the stream of living water that flows from the Heart of God through His children. This is the living water that quenches the thirst of man’s soul,” saith the Lord.

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