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America Has Chosen Her Fate

“I have called unto you to repent and many do not listen. You are a stiff-necked people. You are hard-hearted and obstinate. You do not heed the warnings of My prophets. I have removed My hand from this nation. No longer are you blessed. Chaos erupts in the streets. Riots and acts of terrorism will become commonplace for your walls have been breached and evil is pouring in from every side,” saith the Lord.

“No longer are you One Nation Under God. You have made your choice. You voted for evil to take control of your land.. You have decided to follow after the desires of this world, instead of obeying My commandments and seeking to please Me. Therefore, I Am unleashing My judgment upon you. You will receive that which ye have asked for,” saith the Lord.

“It shall envelop this country. The faint of heart will fall under the weight of the pending judgment. You have sealed your fate as a nation. I will destroy this nation from the inside out. I will humble the proud. Your people will wage war against each other in the name of greed and prosperity. Daughters will fight against mothers and sons against fathers. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. But cursed is the nation who was founded in My Name and has turned her back on me. I will shake this nation to its core. You will cry out for Me to relent, yet I will not until what’s highly exalted among you has been made low. You will see that I Am God and I change not. I Am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I burn with anger for your many sins: the unborn babies aborted, the acts of homosexuality and adultery, and from the numerous idols that you have placed before Me. Enough is enough. I will no longer extend My grace and mercy to a nation who has turned away from Me and refuses to come back,” saith the Lord.

“But there is a remnant. True and holy in My sight whom I shall protect. Fear not! I Am growing your faith and trust in Me. I Am showing you what is important in My sight. I Am teaching you to see as I see into the heart and not upon outward appearance. I Am drawing you unto Myself, to a closer, deeper, and stronger relationship with Me. I Am doing a work in you. I Am changing your priorities. I Am guiding your steps and your path. I have armored you in My armor and I have taught you how to war with the Sword of the Spirit. Fight in My Name. Never give up. Don’t be afraid of the evil one for you are covered with My blood. Call upon the Name of the Lord for I will meet your every need, if only you ask. Seek Me above all and I will raise you up in My appointed time to be a light in the dark to draw the lost unto Me. I Am preparing My bride for My return. I Am coming back soon. Watch and Pray and Follow My Ways,” saith the Lord of Hosts.


When I awoke Wednesday morning to find out that Trump won, the word perplexed me even more. I struggled with it because I didn’t understand it. But the Holy Spirit spoke to me again and said, “It’s not for all America. The judgment is for those who voted for evil to overtake America. America has chosen her fate. Each person has shown Me their heart by how they voted. But there is a Remnant, My faithful ones that I will bless, protect, and raise up in My time.” _____________________________________________________________________________________

I think it’s more important than ever for us to remain watchful and pray for our nation and our new leader. I am worried that many who have awoke will be lulled back to sleep because they think America will be alright now, but one man won’t make America great again. God is our only hope.

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