Blessing Are Bestowed On Those Who Follow Christ
“Blessings are bestowed on those who follow after Me. Hardships in this life may come to you because you choose to follow Me, but I will send blessings of spiritual and eternal value to the Christian who puts Me first no matter the cost. I will draw you closer unto Me. (James 4:8) Walk under the wings of My Protection. Let your hiding place become your dwelling place. For it is here, where I will grow you spiritually and it is here where you will allow Me to strengthen you and guide you. Trust that I won’t let anything happen to you that is not in My will for your life. (Psalm 91) I take that which is meant for evil and turn it into good for those who love Me (Genesis 50:20-21) and are called according to My purpose and plan (Romans 8:28),” saith the Lord.
“I Am an All-Powerful God. (Psalm 147:5, Revelation 19:6) I know my plans for you. They are for a bright future because you have placed your hope and faith in Me. (Jeremiah 29:11, Psalm 71:5) Walk in the Light. (1 John 1:7) Walk in the Spirit. (Galatians 5:16) Walk in a close relationship with Me. (Deuteronomy 5:33) Constantly call on My name as you encounter the troubles of the day. When you don’t know what to do or what to say, call upon My Name. I will give you wisdom and I will speak words into your mouth to encourage others. (Luke 12:12, 21:15) I will draw others unto Me through your willing spirit (Psalm 51:2) and the power of your testimony. (Revelation 12:11) It is not because of anything that you have done, but My spirit which dwelleth within you and shines upon you and through you. (Romans 8:11) In a world of hopelessness and despair, My light shines like a lighthouse in the darkness (1 John 1:5) drawing others unto Me,” saith the Lord.
“Stand firm, (1 Corinthians 16:13) unmoved, and unhindered by the tribulations of this world. Remain focused on My call for your life. Let Me use you in your daily life to demonstrate the hope and love that is in you because of the love that I have poured in you. Pour it out to others. (John 15: 15-17) I Am teaching you a new way to love. It is the love of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is a perfect love. It is one of complete sacrifice and service to others. You love Me because I first loved you. (1 John 4:18-19) I gave My life for your salvation and redemption from sin (Ephesians1:7),” saith the Lord.
“When you think that you are all alone and there is no one who cares, picture Me dying on the cross for your sins. And I would do it again. But thanks be to God that this one act of sacrifice, death, burial, and resurrection pleased My Father and satisfied your sin debt. (1 Corinthians 15:57) Your sin has been washed in the blood. There is freedom in the blood. Live in that freedom daily. There is power in the blood. Let nothing hold you back. Do not fear the unknown, (Matthew 6:34) but trust in Me for I Am already there and I will always be with you. Blessings and peace I give to those who seek to live a holy life unto God for this is your acceptable gift unto Me,” (Romans 12:1) saith the Lord of Hosts.