See God Working In You

“See Me working in you. I Am doing a new thing in you. (Isaiah 43:9) The Fruit of the Spirit is becoming more evident in your life because you have completely submitted you will to Mine without holding anything back. It will change how you deal with others and how you feel/think about your job and your interactions with others. You’ll begin to embrace each day as an opportunity to share your faith, display My love to others (Matthew 5:16), and walk with Me daily. I Am training you to see Me in everything you do. Learn to see the spiritual fight taking place and seek My wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. (Proverbs 4:7) I will give it freely to those who ask (James 1:5),” saith the Lord.
“Can you feel the fear and doubt in your life being replaced with trust and faith? I Am strengthening My Spirit within you. (Ephesians 3:16) Receive the peace of knowing I Am with you, in you, and I Am guiding your steps. (John 14:27) It is My will for you that you learn to depend on Me in everything. I Am all you need (Philippians 4:19),” saith the Lord.
“Hunger and thirst for more of Me. (Matthew 5:6) Let the worldly things fall away for they are of no eternal value. (1 John 2:25-27) Place priority on and make time to minister to others. Encourage others in the faith. Mentor new believers. Share your testimony with those you encounter. Step out of your comfort zone and all Me to put others in your past who need to hear My Word. Allow Me to speak through you. Make yourself available to Me. Time is short. I Am coming back soon. Store up for yourself treasures in heaven that moth and rust cannot destroy (Matthew 6:19-20),” saith the Lord.
“Put Me first, others second, and yourself last. This will bring you contentment. Replace your complaints with prayers and be amazed at how your perspective will transform. I don’t always change your circumstances or make things easier for you. Sometimes, I change you and give you the strength to endure (Matthew 24:13),” saith the Lord of Hosts.