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Shall I Inhabit An Unclean Vessel?

“Shall I inhabit a vessel that is unclean? Shall I dwell within a temple that is not holy and set apart? (1 Corinthians 6:18-20) No. I Am a Holy and Righteous God. Ye who seek to have a relationship with Me must repent of your sins and turn from them. (Acts 3:19) Lay down the things of the flesh and seek the eternal things of the Heavenly Father. (Romans 8:5-11) For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ, the Lord. (Romans 6:23) For then I will enter in to your heart and mind and I shall begin to teach you things that you know not of,” saith the Lord.

“Pray ye this prayer unto Me: “Create in Me a Pure Heart, O God, and Renew a steadfast spirit with Me. (Psalm 51:10) Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. (Psalm 51:7) God be merciful to me a sinner,"(Luke 18:13) saith the Lord.

“For if ye confess your sins, I Am faithful and just to forgive you of your sins and cleanse you from your unrighteous. (1 John 1:9) For you must walk in the light (1 John 1:7) and you must seek My face continually. (1 Chronicles 16:11) I give peace to the troubled (John 14:27) and hope to the hopeless. (Romans 15:13) I will supply all your needs according to My riches in glory by Christ Jesus,” (Philippians 4:19) saith the Lord.

“Lay aside your former cares and run the race that I have set before you. Look unto the Author and Finisher of your faith. (Hebrews 12:1-2) I will strengthen you and I will raise you up with My righteous right hand at the appointed time. (Isaiah 41:10) Humble yourself (1 Peter 5:5-6) and allow Me to pour you out and fill you up with the Holy Spirit daily. You must decrease and I must increase," (John 3:30) saith the Lord.

“Watch and see if I don’t bless you more than you can hold. The blessings will overflow onto all you come in contact with and they shall see the glory of God through the fruit that the Holy Spirit produces in you. It’s not a once and done thing, but a continual refreshing daily as you seek to be obedient to the calling that I have placed on your life. Don’t think that you can’t, but trust that I can work through you to accomplish the impossible,” saith the Lord of Hosts.

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