My Child, When You Are In Need, Seek My Face.

“My Child, when you are in need, seek My Face. (1 Chronicles 16:11) Cry out to Me and I will hear you and I will answer you. (Jeremiah 33:3) Seek Me while I may be found. (Isaiah 55:6) A relationship with Me is the only thing that can satisfy the longing of your soul. (Psalm 63:1) For it thirsts for My living water (John 4:13) and it hungers for My Bread (Psalm 107:9)- I Am the Bread of Life,” saith the Lord. (John 6:35)
“It’s not by power, nor by might, but by My Spirit. (Zechariah 4:36) I Am your Strength (Psalm 28:7) and the Horn of your Salvation. (Psalm 18:2) Walk in the Spirit that you do not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. (Galatians 5:16) When you are tempted and tried, when you are tired and weak, I will strengthen you. (Matthew 11:28) Yea, I will raise you up with My Righteous Right Hand. (Isaiah 41:10) If only you will seek Me. (Jeremiah 29:13) Daily. Hourly. Minute by Minute. Talk to Me. Let your requests be made known,” saith the Lord. (Philippians 4:6)
“Pour out your heart and soul to Me. (Psalm 62:8) For when you become empty that is when I can fill you up until you overflow. (Romans 15:13) Then shall you shine. (Isaiah 60:1) My Glory shall shine on your face when you have been in My Presence. (Psalm 17:15) Others will see and know that you have had an encounter with Me,” saith the Lord of Hosts. (2 Corinthians 3:18)