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Be Ye Holy For I Am Holy!

      “Be Ye Holy for I Am Holy! (1 Peter 1:16) As you seek a deeper relationship with Me, you must ask Me to sanctify every part of you. (1 Peter 3:15) You can’t withhold any part of yourself from Me and expect to experience an outpouring of blessings upon your life. When you seek to follow after Me with all that is within, (Jeremiah 29:13) I will begin to do a work in your life that you have not seen before,” saith the Lord. (Philippians 1:6)

     “Search for Me. (Psalm 139: 23-24) Ask. Seek. Knock. And the door shall be opened unto you. (Matthew 7:7-8) I can satisfy the longing of your soul. (Psalm 107:9) If you will only ask Me to do a work within you, then invite Me into every part of your being (heart, mind, and soul). I’ll change how you think and how you love others,” saith the Lord.

     “When you become truly free, you will begin to see others in a new light. My Light will shine on your path (Job 22:28) and will show you where to walk in obedience to My Will for your life. (Deuteronomy 5:33) You will not be knocked off kilter/center by the remarks/actions of others. (Romans 8:38-39) But when you trust in Me and seek after Me, your heart shall be full and your mind shall be focused on sharing Me with others and helping those in need,” saith the Lord.

     “My Love for you is greater than all your problems and fears. (2 Timothy 1:7, 1 John 4:18) Try Me and see if anything is too hard for Me. (Jeremiah 32:27) Let Me take over what has seemed so overwhelming to you that you feel like you are about to drown. You are not meant to carry this load. (Matthew 11:28-30) Give it to Me and see if I don’t take it and make something beautiful,” saith the Lord of Hosts.

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