Rest Assured That I Am In Control Of Everything

“Rest assured that I Am in control of everything. (Psalm 115:3) Every situation. Every circumstance. What the enemy of your soul seeks to destroy you with, (John 10:10) I will take and use for your good and My Kingdom. (John 18:36) I have heard your prayers and I have heard your cry. (2 Kings 20:5) I Am working all things out for the good of those who are called according to My purpose and plan. (Romans 8:28) As you seek Me first, (Matthew 6:33) My Divine Will for your life will be accomplished. (John 17:7) As you ask Me for wisdom, knowledge, and discernment, I will give it to you in abundance. (James 1:5) In those times when you feel overwhelmed with the cares of life, (Psalm 61:2) come unto Me and give Me your burdens. (Matthew 11:28) In return, your fear shall be turned to trust (Psalm 56:11) and your doubts shall be transformed into faith,” saith the Lord. (James 1:6) “Draw your strength from Me. (Psalm 28:7) Be still and know that I Am God. (Psalm 46:10) Listen to My Voice. (Isaiah 28:3) Don’t expect that I will speak louder than the noise in your life. It is in the quietness of the moment, (Isaiah 30:15, 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12) when you seek My Face that I will speak truth to your soul. (Jeremiah 29:13) I Am always here waiting for you to call upon My Name. (Isaiah 40:31, Micah 7:7) I want to help you, to guide you, to show you Myself. (John 16:13) But I won’t force you to do what you do not want to. I want you to give Me all of yourself, without holding anything back. (Philippians 3:13-14) I want you to experience freedom from sin. (Romans 6:18) I want a relationship with you and I Am here waiting for you to choose Me,” saith the Lord. (Isaiah 30:18)
“Let Me show you who I Am. Give Me everything. (Romans 12:1) Lay it at My feet. Worship Me for I Am the One True God. (John 4:24) Praise Me no matter your circumstances. (Psalm 34:1) Call out to Me. (Jeremiah 33:3) I Am you Creator. (Isaiah 43:15) When you enter into My gates with Thanksgiving and into My courts with praise, you are ushered into My Presence where healing takes place. (Psalm 100:4) Here I can transform your mind. (Romans 12:2) I will teach you how to love others, even those who reject you. They aren’t rejecting you, but they are rejecting Me. (Luke 10:16, 1 Samuel 8:7) Hurting people can’t love others. They only know how to do what has been done unto them. (Romans 8:5-6) But I can change all of that. I can take a person that is broken, put the pieces back together, heal them, (Jeremiah 17:14) remove their shame, (Isaiah 61:7) and set them upon a firm foundation- The Rock-My Son-Jesus Christ so that His light shines through you,” saith the Lord. (Matthew 7:24-27, Isaiah 28:16, 1 Corinthians 3:11)
“No longer are you bound by sin and death, (Romans 6:14) but you have become an overcomer (Romans 8:37) through the Blood of My Son that was shed for you. (Matthew 26:28) Christ’s Blood has All Power and All Authority over the things of the world. (Matthew 28:18) There is nothing that shall be impossible for you when you place your life in My hands. (Luke 1:37) Trust that I love you with a perfect and never-ending love. (1 John 4:16, 18) Choose to follow Me daily. (Luke 9:23) Count each day as a Blessing (Psalm 103:2, Psalm 118:1) and an opportunity to share the gospel with all you encounter. (Psalm 96:3) Step out in faith (Joshua 1:9) and share My Love and your testimony for when you do, I will use you to bring others unto Me,” saith the Lord of Hosts. (Matthew 25:35-40)