Born Of A Virgin

“Born of a Virgin. (Matthew 1:23) Laid in a manger. (Luke 2:7) I left God, My Father, in heaven and I came to Earth. (John 3:13, John 6:38) The Word became flesh and dwelt among men. (John 1:14) To offer the greatest gift of all. (Romans 6:23, John 15:13) My life given as the sacrifice for you. (Hebrews 9:28) My Blood shed on the cross to cover your sins and to wash you white as snow. (Isaiah 1:18) I Am living water for the thirsty soul (John 4:10-14) and I Am the Bread of Life for those who are hungry. (John 6:35) I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man cometh unto the Father except through Me,” saith the Lord. (John 14:6)
“The soul is eternal. (Genesis 2:7, John 5:28-29, Romans 2:7) Those who believe on My Name, (John 1:12) repent of their sins, and turn to Me, (Acts 3:19) I will write their name in The Lamb’s Book of Life. (Revelation 21:27) They shall receive everlasting life (John 3:15-17) and they shall be with Me in paradise. (John 23:43) I will create in them a new heart and renew a right spirit within them. (Psalm 51:10) I will take that which is old and make it new. They shall become a new creation. Old things have passed away and behold, I will make all things new,” saith the Lord. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
“Cry out to Me. (Psalm 3:4) Seek My Face. (Psalm 27:8) When you seek Me, you shall find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. (Matthew 6:33) When you call unto Me, I will show you great and mighty things which you know not. (Jeremiah 33:3) I Am the Good Shepherd. My sheep hear My voice. They know Me and they follow after Me. (John 10:14-18) Learn to hear Me. My Holy Spirit will live within you. (John 14:16) I will tell you which way to go. (Psalm 32:8) I will shine My light on your path. (Psalm 119:105) I will guide your comings and goings. (Psalm 121:8) I will intercede for you on your behalf,” saith the Lord. (Romans 8:26)
“As you offer your worship to Me, Your Savior and Lord, I will inhabit the praises of My People. (Psalm 22:3) As you lift Holy hands to Me and sing praises to My Name, I will lift your burdens. (Psalm 134:2, Psalm 55:22) I will answer your prayers. (Psalm 21:21-22, 1 John 5:14-15) I will transform your mind. (Romans 12:2) I will renew your spirit. (Ephesians 4:23) I will give you a new heart, one after Mine. (Ezekiel 36:26) When you seek Me first, All these things shall be added unto you,” saith the Lord of Hosts. (Philippians 4:19)