Enter Into My Presence, Dear One

“Enter into My Presence, Dear One. (Psalm 16:11) For there is peace in the shadow of the Almighty. (Psalm 91:1) There is rest for the weary (Isaiah 28:12, Matthew 28:11) and renewing of your spirit, (Romans 12:2) as you set your mind to focus on Me. (Colossians 3:2) The weights, the trials, and the difficulties of this life fall away when you come into My Presence,” saith the Lord.
“Fear must leave when you abide in Me under My Wings of Protection. (Psalm 91:4) Doubt begins to fade as you decide to trust Me completely to see you through each day, each moment in time. As you seek Me, you will find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart,” saith the Lord. (Jeremiah 29:13)
“Why then do you worry? (Matthew 6:25) Why do you choose to fear the things of this world? (1 John 4:17-19) Why do you doubt My Goodness and My Love for you? (2 Thessalonians 1:11) You are special. (Deuteronomy 7:6) You are unique. (Psalm 139:14) You’re are a treasure, yes, a jewel. (Malachi 3:17) You are valued (Matthew 10:29-31) and worthy through My Blood (1 Peter 1:19) to walk in the freedom (Galatians 5:1) and hope that I want to share with you,” saith the Lord. (Romans 5:5)
“Take hold of My Hand. (Isaiah 41:13) Take hold of it. I Am reaching out to you. I Am calling you unto Myself. (Exodus 19:4) I Am calling you into My Presence. (Psalm 95:2-4) How can you come unto Me, you ask? With a humble heart. (1 Peter 5:6) With repentance. (Mark 2:17) With Praise and Worship. (Psalm 150:1-6) With Prayer and Thanksgiving. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) You must simply purpose to set aside time to spend with Me. Away from the distractions and hindrances that keep you from Me. When you meditate on My Word, (Psalm 1:2) you learn who I Am and I can show you who you were created, chosen, and called to be,” saith the Lord. (John 15:16, 1 Peter 2:9)
“Who can stand against Me? No one and nothing. Everyone and everything must bow at My Feet. (Philippians 2:10) I Am, God! (Psalm 46:10) I have already won the victory over death, hell, and the grave. (Revelation 1:18, John 16:33) So when you willingly humble yourself and bow at My feet, repenting of you sins, asking for My forgiveness, and choosing to follow Me, I take the old man and make you a new creation in Me,” saith the Lord. (Ephesians 4:22-24, Romans 6:6)
Each day you wake up, you must choose to die to self, to take up your cross and follow Me. (Luke 9:23) Each morning, My Mercy and Grace is fresh and new. (Lamentations 3:23) So begin your day in My Presence and end your day with Me. For if you begin and end your day with Me, you will experience My Peace as never before. (John 14:27) Though trials will come and you will face tribulations, I will cover you under My Wings when you abide in My Shadow,” saith the Lord of Hosts.