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I Am Doing Great And Mighty Things

"I am doing great and mighty things on the Earth and in this nation even now. (Jeremiah 33:3) Evil and darkness have sought to overtake good and light. But I have heard the cries and the prayers of my people, my remnant who are called by My Name. That which has been done in darkness is being brought to light. (Luke 12:2) My answer is on the way. I have already begun a work that cannot be stopped and My Will shall be made known and even the sinner will not doubt that I Am doing this," saith the Lord.

"I am sending angels of protection to my people and warring angels to fight the battle against demons that are seeking to destroy this nation that was founded on My Name. "In God We Trust" is more than just a national motto. It is a way of life and a covenant among all those who follow after Me diligently and seek My face," saith the Lord.

"Faith is not seeing yet believing. (Hebrews 11:1, John 20:29)Trust is knowing that I Am in control and I will bring My Will to pass. Nothing is impossible for Me. No one can stop what I have begun. I am exposing the wicked. I have allowed them to have their way for a season. But be ye steadfast and keep the faith. (I Corinthians 15:58) Be ye watchful for the time is now and I am on the move," saith the Lord. (Matthew 24:42)

"You are about to see My Hand pull back the curtain and My Light will shine forth as the noonday sun. (Psalm 37:6) Those who live in darkness shall flee. They will scatter as the Light of the Son shines on their path," saith the Lord.

"Stand firm and be still and know that I Am God. (Psalm 46:10) And if I Am for you, who can come against you? (Romans 8:31) No evil weapon formed against you shall prevail. (Isaiah 54:17) Be ye watchful. (Luke 21:36) Yes, Wait in anticipation to see what I Am doing even now," saith the Lord.

"And when it comes to pass, fall on your face and worship me, shout, dance, sing, give praises, and lift holy hands unto Me. For I Am the Author and Finisher of your faith. (Hebrews 12:2) I Am the First and the Last. (Isaiah 44:6, Revelation 22:13) I Am the Beginning and the End. I Am God Almighty and there is none besides Me. Isaiah 45:5) Let all that has breath praise the Lord. (Psalm 150:6) Let all that has breath worship Me," saith the Lord of Hosts.



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