Your Path Is Set
“Your path is set. My Plan for you is unfolding. My Purpose for your life is special, unique, and meaningful. My Calling upon your life...

Remain Steadfast
“Remain Steadfast. Grounded in My Word. Immovable. Unshakeable. Determined. Know that I have placed you where you are for such a time as...

You Are Blessed, My Beloved Child
“You are Blessed, My Beloved Child, and you have been chosen and set apart to fulfill My Purpose and Plan for your life. Look unto Me for...

Walk The Path That I Have Set Before You...
“Walk the Path that I have set before you with diligence, obedience, and courage. You have not chosen the path that you are walking. I...

Don't Continue In Sin
“Far be it from you that you should continue in sin, (Don't Continue in sin) thus making my sacrifice on the cross null unto you. (Romans...

Find Your Strength in Me
“Find your strength in Me. (Psalm 28:7) Strength to press on. Strength to press in. Strength to trust and believe. Strength to hope, to...

Blessed Are the Poor In Spirit For Theirs Is The Kingdom of Heaven
“Blessed are the poor in Spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:3) Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after...

Stop Running From My Will For Your Life
“Stop running from My Will for your life. Embrace it wholeheartedly. Begin to move and flow in Me as I prompt you. Trust Me. I will never...

Peace Be With You, My Child
“ "Peace be with you, My Child. (John 14:27) You are not walking this journey alone. I Am here with you. You don’t understand the place...

You Are A Chosen Generation, A Royal Priesthood, A Peculiar People
“You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a peculiar people. (1 Peter 2:9) You have been set apart. (Psalm 4:3) Come out from...