Obedience Pleases Me Greatly
"Obedience pleases me greatly. I love to know that My servant is following My voice. For I Am the Great Shepherd. I will lead you beside...

Sinful and Wretched is the Sinner in the Sight of Almighty God
August 23, 2016 Sinful and wretched is the sinner in the sight of Almighty God. Yet, He lovingly and mercifully calls us to repentance...

Be Still and Know that I Am God
I felt the Holy Spirit speaking to me tonight saying, “Be still and know that I am God. I do not waver and I will never fail you. I am...

A Prayer To God
A prayer to God. “Convict me Holy Spirit of any sins that separate me from God. Forgive me and create in me a clean heart. Sanctify me...

Plead the Blood of Jesus
“Plead the blood of Jesus. It is all powerful. All consuming. I will be your strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow. No matter...

I Stand at the Door
“I stand at the door of your heart and knock. I wait for you to open the door and let me in. I want to talk with you, to fellowship with...

Vengeance is Mine
“Vengeance is Mine,” saith the Lord. “How long am I supposed to turn a blind eye to what is going on around Me? I can’t and I won’t. I...

God Does Not Will That You Fear
“God does not will that you fear. His grace is sufficient for you. I will deliver you from your circumstances. I care about you. I love...

Who Can Withstand My Judgement?
God spoke this word to me,“Who can withstand My judgment? How do you think you can make it without Me? I am the way, the truth, and the...

I Am Preparing You
While sitting in Sunday School, the Lord spoke to me and said write this down, “I am preparing you a little at a time. I will not give up...