Trials and Tribulations
“When trials and tribulations abound on every side, I will hide you in the cleft of the rock and cover you there with My hand. Evil shall...

I Will Be High And Lifted Up
“I will be high and lifted up. I will be exalted among the nations. Every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ...

Repentance Breaks The Bonds Of Sin
“Repentance breaks the bonds of sin. Turn back to me. I came that you may have life and have it more abundantly. I will set you free from...

Wisdom Cometh From the Word And The Word Cometh From God
“Wisdom cometh from the Word and the Word cometh from Me. Seek Me while I may be found. Study to show thyself approved. Pray without...

Run into My Arms
“Run into My arms. For there, you are safe and protected. This world is evil and you shall be persecuted for My Name’s sake. You shall...

Watch As I Show Them I Am Almighty God
“Your government has become corrupted by the thirst for power and prestige. It is imploding upon itself. Chaos, rioting, looting, and...

Press Into Me For I Am Here
“Press into Me for I am here. I am with you. I see your circumstances and I care. I know your struggles and frustrations. Ask Me to carry...

Look No Further Than The Word Of God
“Look no further than The Word of God for the answers that you seek. It has been relevant to mankind since the being of time and it is...

Those Who Seek Wisdom and Discernment, Ask Me
“Those who seek wisdom and discernment, ask Me. You do not have because you do not ask. I am waiting for you to thirst after wisdom and...

Repent America
“This nation that was founded on My principles and commandments has turned it’s back on Me. You have made gods of yourselves. You worship...