For God So Love The World
“For I so loved the world that I sent My only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life....

I Am Still Calling This Nation Unto Repentance
“I Am still calling this nation unto repentance. Nothing has changed. Those who are hard-hearted and obstinate have not turned back to...

For I Am Here
“For I Am here. I Am with you. I Am inside your heart and I Am walking with you daily. I Am performing miracles in your life each and...

The Reason For The Season
“Awake, My Beloved, gird your loins with the Belt of Truth and put on the Breastplate of Righteousness. Lace up the Shoes of Peace. Put...

Full Surrender
“I Am calling you to full surrender. Are you willing to cast the things of this world aside and follow Me? You can’t hold on to this...

Who Can Survive Without Me?
“Who can survive without Me? I made you. You are My creation. I breathed the breath of life into your very being. I make your heart beat...

Give Thanks
“Call unto Me in your time of trouble. Hear My voice for I will answer you. I Am here for you. Rejoice in your tribulations for through...

Rise Up, Ye, Army Of Christ
“Hearken unto Me for My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Call unto Me for I Am ever present help in times of trouble. Listen to My...

Pray Without Ceasing
“Now is not the time to fall back into what is comfortable and familiar. You have witnessed a great miracle in your nation. I have heard...

America Has Chosen Her Fate
“I have called unto you to repent and many do not listen. You are a stiff-necked people. You are hard-hearted and obstinate. You do not...