Wake Up. Arise. Go Out In My Name.
“Wake Up. Arise. Go out in My Name. No evil weapon formed against you shall prevail. (Isaiah 54:17) Dig your heels in and stand your...

Meditate on My Word
“Meditate on My Word. (Joshua 1:8) Praise My Name in the sanctuary. (Psalm 150:1) Sing praises unto Me all the day long. (Psalm 34:1)...

Jesus Gave His Life For Us
“As I hung on the cross, I gave My life freely and willingly to provide a sacrifice that could cover your sins. (John 10:18) I knew My...

See God Working In You
“See Me working in you. I Am doing a new thing in you. (Isaiah 43:9) The Fruit of the Spirit is becoming more evident in your life...

Blessing Are Bestowed On Those Who Follow Christ
“Blessings are bestowed on those who follow after Me. Hardships in this life may come to you because you choose to follow Me, but I will...

Step Out In Faith
“Step out in faith. (2 Corinthians 5:7) Trust in Me. (Proverbs 3:5-6) You are experiencing a peace since you have chosen to follow Me....

God Sees and Knows Our Heart
“I see and I know the things that are hidden in your heart. (Psalm 139) You cannot hide them from Me. Confess them to Me. Repent and turn...

Let Go Of Your Past And Reach Toward Your Future in Christ
“Let go of your past and reach toward your future in Christ, for it is here where your focus should be directed. (Isaiah 43:18-19,...

Let Me Revive Your Soul Again
“Let Me revive your soul again. (Psalm 62:5-8) My Spirit liveth within you. (1 Corinthians 3:16) I want to pour into you more of Myself...

I Have Commanded That You Go
“I have commanded that you go into the world and preach the gospel to all nations and tongues baptizing them in the Name of the Father,...